The initial visit will include a thorough consultation and examination, including posture evaluation and neurological and orthopedic tests.
The tests determine which x-rays will be necessary for a patient's condition. The x-rays will include either NUCCA cervical series, thoracic series, lumbar series, or images for any relevant extremity.
These checks and tests help the doctor identify the problem and confirm the diagnosis.
Dr. Desai will evaluate all examination results and X-ray images to create a customized health plan for the patient based on the diagnosis.
The patients will have clear information about how many visits will be necessary for them to attain optimal health. The number of visits is based on Lotus Chiropractic Care's three healing phases.
The three healing phases are acute, stability, and wellness. We will walk you through each step of the healing process.
As the patient progresses on their healing journey, Dr. Desai will re-evaluate their health and improvement trajectory.
The re-evaluation helps the doctor determine if things are progressing as expected. If not, the doctor will re-evaluate and adjust your treatment to benefit your spinal health.
At Lotus Chiropractic Care, we focus on helping patients function without symptoms and without continued reliance on a doctor.
Therefore, we provide exercises for patients to complete independently once their spine is stabilized. This helps the patient hold their alignment. It is a crucial step in the healing process.
Our goal is for the patient to reach optimal healing of their spine. At this point in their healing journey, our patients can hold their alignment, are stable, and have no symptoms.
They are in the maintenance phase of care, where the patient has reduced the number of visits and may only need quarterly visits for a “tune-up.”