Chiropractic Care for Foot & Ankle Issues

Chiropractic care for foot and ankle issues can effectively treat problems without needing prescription medication and its associated side effects. Chiropractic treatment can strengthen the foot and ankle, increasing stability, mobility, and flexibility.

It is important to note that undiagnosed and misdiagnosed foot and ankle problems can lead to disability or chronic pain. According to IPMA (Illinois Podiatric Medical Association), over 75% of all Americans may have some form of foot pain at one point in their lives. 

At Lotus Chiropractic Care, Dr. Desai uses chiropractic treatment to provide natural, gentle, and focused holistic healing to her patients. 

Here are some common foot and ankle conditions that can be treated using chiropractic techniques.

Ankle Sprains

There are over 2 million cases of ankle sprains in the US every year. Ankle sprains are quite common because a simple misstep where you land on the side of the foot may be enough to cause an injury. The weight of the foot pushes the ligaments out of their range of motion and causes them to tear.

The risk for ankle sprains is, therefore, higher for people engaged in regular physical activities. However, the foot can fully recover from ankle sprains with proper treatment.

Causes of Ankle Sprain

Sports or other physical activities. An ankle sprain is one of the most common sports injuries because almost every sport involves running, landing, turning, and jumping movements that increase the risk of an awkward landing or accidental twist of the foot.

Ankle misalignments. If you have a misalignment in your ankle, the ankle bone slips off the heel bone, resulting in your feet rolling excessively inward. Thus, people with ankle misalignments are at constant risk of spraining their ankles.

Spinal misalignments. When your spine is off-balance or misaligned, one side of the pelvis may be higher than the other, causing a leg lift. This can cause intense discomfort while walking and increase the risk of ankle sprains.

Improper shoes. Ill-fitting or worn-out shoes make the ankle more vulnerable to injuries. Old shoes lose their stability and cannot take care of your foot's lateral (side-to-side) movement, causing you to roll your ankles with a misstep. Shoes with high heels are another example of footwear that may cause ankle sprains.

Shin Splints

If your shins ache and throb after your daily walk or jog in the park, you may have shin splints. While for most people, the pain stops with rest; others may experience continuous pain even after all activity has stopped.

Shin splints refer to pain along the tibia or shin bone. This is the large bone in the front of the lower leg. Shin splints are usually caused by the inflammation of the muscles, tissues, and tendons around the tibia. 

Causes of Shin Splints

Factors that may cause shin splints include:

  • Incorrect or damaged footwear 
  • Flat feet or rigid arches 
  • Not warming up before exercises 
  • Jogging or walking on hard surfaces (e.g., concrete)
  • Insufficient rest and break time 
  • Poor posture or running form 
  • Tight calf muscles 
  • Misalignments in the spine 

The pain associated with shin splints usually reduces with rest. The best way to relieve pain is to apply ice to the shin area, get good footwear, and give yourself some time to heal. Do not push yourself if you are facing chronic symptoms.

Plantar Fasciitis

The plantar fascia is the ligament that connects the toes to the heel of the foot. And plantar fasciitis is caused when this ligament becomes weak or swollen, resulting in a sharp pain at the heel or bottom of the foot. The pain becomes more pronounced while walking, especially after you have been sitting down for a long time. 

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can occur to anyone at any age, but it is more common among middle-aged people. Other triggers or causes for plantar fasciitis can include:
  • Increased activity; A lot of standing or walking
  • Poor or old footwear
  • Flat feet, high arches, or poor walking posture may add additional stress
  • Obesity or sudden weight gain
  • Misalignments in the spine

Chiropractic Treatment for Foot and Ankle Problems

Chiropractic care for foot and ankle conditions begins with thoroughly examining the affected area(s). Dr. Desai uses x-rays, scans, and other forms of diagnosis to check for misalignments, torn ligaments, and fractures in the foot and ankle. 

She will then develop the right treatment plan based on the severity of your condition. Treatment may include “hands-on” adjustments or those using a specialized tool, such as the Activator Adjusting instrument. At its core, chiropractic care is a form of preventative treatment. 

Dr. Desai may also walk you through some simple exercises designed to help improve the strength and mobility of your foot and ankle. Other recommendations may include lifestyle changes to help you live a life with minimal injuries.

Ankle Sprain Treatment

In the case of an ankle sprain, Dr. Desai will assess your ankle and test its range of motion. In case of misalignments in the ankle or spine, gentle adjustments may be needed. Realigning the bones to their natural state helps relieve the stress on the supporting tendons and ligaments.

Shin Splints Treatment

The goal of treatment for shin splints is to identify and treat the root cause of the problem. A spinal analysis is a vital part of the assessment because the musculoskeletal system facilitates the entire body. If problems are identified, adjustments to the spine can be an effective treatment. 

Misalignments at the hip or pelvic region often cause the tibia to shift and compensate. When the tibia shifts forward, there is irritation in the muscle and fascia. Thus, correcting spinal misalignments is a priority.

Dr. Desai also looks for shifts at the knee and ankle, which may be caused by a misaligned tibia. Gentle adjustments to shift the tibia back to neutral can help relieve pain, reduce joint dysfunction, and restore motion to the affected area.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Chiropractic treatment for plantar fasciitis focuses on correcting your spine because misalignments in the spine are a significant cause of tension in the fascia. Gentle adjustments and spinal corrections help remove fascial stress and address the root of the problem.  

Chiropractic care is also a tool for pain management. Gentle adjustments and massages to the heel and foot may help take pressure off the plantar fascia, which allows it to relax and reduces pain. 

Get Chiropractic Treatment for Foot & Ankle Issues

Dr. Tanvi Desai is a chiropractic expert with extensive training and experience in caring for patients' spinal misalignments. She offers patients treatment options for gentle adjustments. 

Lotus Chiropractic Care can help improve posture, reduce pain, and improve the body's overall function. If you think you may have foot or ankle pain, Dr. Desai can help get your body back to a pain-free life.

We service residents of Dunwoody and surrounding areas from our office on Mt. Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, Georgia.

Learn if chiropractic care may be right for you. Call us at (470) 719-9539 or request an appointment online

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